Insurance. Cash discount cards. Copay cards. All in one app.
Peek is a first-of-its-kind, prescription shopping marketplace that gives consumers a full, transparent view of prescription costs. We personalize shopping for meds by comparing individual insurance with multiple cash discount cards and copay cards to find the lowest price.
Peek delivers the prescription transparency your clients need, the cost savings they want, and the low prices their employees deserve.
The power of choice. The joy of savings.
Employees get the lowest price
Only Peek shows employees a full view of their prescription costs, personalized with insurance and all available discounts, before they ever leave the doctor’s office. They get the best price. You get the credit.
Clients save money
When employees save money on prescriptions, your clients save money on benefits and medical claims. Having healthy employees also means fewer sick days and improved productivity. It’s savings on top of savings.
Compliance is easier
Peek makes it easier for your business to adhere to local and national compliance and transparency laws. Wish, granted.
You win more business
As a TPA, you’re always looking for innovative ways to help your clients provide the best healthcare benefits at the best price. As a first-of-its-kind offering, Peek makes that easier than ever to deliver. It’s a benefit that benefits both your clients and their employees.